Sunday, August 17, 2008

What's up Doc?

Its only norm birds perching on trees.... Small birds... 'common', Big birds.. 'sure'... 

Now.. what about the scene of birds perching on lamp posts... ?? Sure, there's nothing extraordinary for small birds like crows or swallows... but storks!!

Hey, we're talking about 'ME' here... a person who's her life revolves in the busy town of PeeJay (Petaling Jaya) and KayYell 

Three (3) storks up on lamp posts

(Kuala Lumpur).. seeing big birds once in a while is really wonderful... seeing big birds almost every early evening perching on lamp posts... well... I have to count my Blessings after this.... "I'm not talking about Big Bird of Sesame Street, kay...Infact.. that'll be a scary sight, I supposed... haha"

Interested to see these big birds? ..Try going to Putrajaya around afternoons or early evenings. If you're lucky, you might see one stork or more at the bridge heading to the Putrajaya Wetland. 

Good luck :-)

A stork resting on a Putrajaya lamp post.

1 comment:

  1. Salam, hi Ijad. Thanks for stopping by :-) Me good... hope you're having a great time there. Had a peek into your blog.. interesting :-)
