Sunday, August 3, 2008

Nikon Seminar in Ikano Power Centre

How will you respond when you know that there will be a free seminar on your topic of interest conducted in a nearby shopping mall?? ..Thrilled??.. Jumping up and down??.. Can't wait to sms / call your buddy and share the great news??In fact, that's what happen to me. I was so lucky bumping into my friend; Shahril in the Yahoo yesterday. 

Why?? because, I will not know of the existence of photography seminars held by NIKON for 4 days starting yesterday .. and what makes it so attractive is that.. "ITS FREE"!!... yes ITS FREE!!.. so for anyone who didn't know about it.. check out the NIKON's website; ''. The organizer; NIKON will conduct the free seminars for 2 consecutive weeks on both Saturdays and Sundays, starting yesterday. There will be 4 different topics discussed on these 4 days, ranges.. various ;-)

Pic1. Me and a photography of a cute baby 'orang-utan' by a Professional.

Pic2. Hubby is patiently waiting for the talk to start.

Pic3. Izham and Joe, two professionals who had given a give a kick-start off the day.

Really, this is extremely tempting when you know that the normal fee for a whole day photography seminar is always pricey!! I was unfortunate to miss the yesterday's seminar, hence I compensate the loss by attending it today. The seminar started as early as 11:30hr, however my hubby and I went there around 10:00hr just to secure some seats. As I had expected, the seminar became a full house around 11:15hr and poor Durah, left to stand for quite sometimes after arriving at 12:00hr.

Overall, I find the seminar today is very fruitful. Participant is not just there listening to talks and tips given by the professionals, we also were encouraged to ask whatever enquiries we had. And again... 'ITS FREE!!'. Anyways, 2 more seminars next week, so... meet you there, yea ;-)

Pic4. Having lunch at Kluang Station, Ikano Power Centre

Pic5. Durah on the left and hubby on the right.

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